quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2010

Marta Gomas

My name is Marta Gomes and I`m a student. I`m 14 years old. My birthday is in October. I live in Quinta da Argentina, Moncarapacho. I’m Portuguese. My family consists of seven people. There’s my mother, Sonia and my father, Isac. They are twenty- nine and thirty years old. I`ve got four sisters and one brother. My sister Joana doesn’t live with us. My mother is a housewife and she likes watching TV . I have got two grandmothers. Maria is fifty and my grandmother Anita is fifty-one. I have got two grandfathers. Manuel is fifty-six and Zé is fifty-seven. My best friend is Tatiana and she`s in my class.

Os Meus Números Uns

A Banda: D'ZRT
A Musica: Quem eu quero p'ra mim
O Actor:Pedro Teixeira
A Actriz : Diana Chaves
O Filme: Titanic
A Serie de televisão: Morangos com açúcar
A Comida: Pizza
A Bebida: Coca cola
A Amiga: Marlene
O Lugar: O meu quarto